21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 21

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Day 21 - Now what?

Enhancing our spiritual sight gives us a whole new view of the world. We perceive ourselves and others with new eyes. We clarify new goals, as we grow spiritually, and we long for others to also have this capacity to “see.” When we follow Christ, even though our bodies age, and our eyesight fades, our spiritual sight gets stronger!

As we ponder these thoughts, we can read what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:16, “Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

Paul wants us to keep our eyes on Christ and PERSEVERE! Do not give up! Keep seeking God’s perspective, and He will open our spiritual eyes to grow us in victorious ways! Don't give up on this journey of seeing spiritually! You can do it! Keep “seeing” Jesus, and our eyes will open up to His plan and purpose! He is our guide! We triumph when we walk with Him! Let this daily reading and prayer be a part of your daily rhythm in 2024.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I praise you that YOU can be my eyes in the world! I trust that you WILL help me see, as You see, and I trust that a lifestyle that honors you will follow! Renew me with Your spiritual sight daily! And I praise You for that day when I will ULTIMATELY see you exalted on Your throne in the heavenly places! THANK YOU THAT YOU WANT TO BE MY EYES, LORD! Amen!
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