21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 19

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Day 19 - How can others we interact with affect our sight?

Over the last 18 days, we’ve talked about why seeing is important. We’ve discussed the different stories in Scripture where God talks about seeing, even healing people who were blind! Now, when we live life around others, how should we view what is placed before our eyes?  Can we “unsee “what we wish we didn’t see?

King David wrote in Psalm 101:3, “I will not look with approval upon anything that is vile.” Thus, he made a commitment NOT to look with approval on anything that doesn’t honor God. Oh this can be so hard!

Do you see people in your relationship circle who are influencing you away from God?  Can that gossiper suck you into a conversation that enables you to lose sight of the negative impact of a critical spirit and judgmental tongue?  Could it be a coworker who wants you to compromise your integrity?  Could it be an individual who wants you to engage in sinful activities? Are there shows on your Netflix list that might not be the best for your heart and mind?

Like David, we need to intentionally CHOOSE to see and evaluate what we consume.  The people in our sphere of influence that might influence our choices and words, as well as our choices in what we allow to come into our minds.  The Holy Spirit can help us to make better choices!  
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to see others in my relational circle through Your holy lens.  Help me to evaluate every relationship and make choices that lead me to a closer walk with You. Give me the power of the Holy Spirit to model Your character in what I do and what I say, what I watch, what I buy, and how I spend my time.  Give me the strength to eliminate any relationship or pattern that is not healthy for me. Amen.
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