21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 15

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Day 15 - How can we do a better job of seeing others?

When the microscope was invented in the 1590’s, people were astounded that they could now see what was previously hidden. The magnification aspect of this instrument revealed intricate details of the unseen world, opening up new possibilities for scientific research and discovery.  As we grow in our faith walk with Jesus, we begin to start “seeing” things through His eyes.  The Holy Spirit enables us to view people differently and in new ways. We see current challenges more clearly. Seeing through the eyes of Jesus can open up new possibilities of service and ministry to others. Wow, how different the world and people look through the eyes of faith in Jesus!  2 Cor 4:18 says, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

It’s crazy how walking with God can almost be like looking in the mirror.  The more we get to Jesus and understand His word, the more we find things in our lives that need a little tweaking or improving as we seek to be more like Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord:  Help me to fix my eyes on You, so I can see beyond my current view of people and the world around me.  Please “magnify” my sight, that I may perceive the needs of others more clearly.  Help me to see people in a whole new way, which can allow me to open a door and share about YOU! Amen.

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