21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 14

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Day 14 - Do our eyes ever need a check-up?

Have you been to the eye doctor recently? Most ophthalmologists say that your eyes begin to lose their full effectiveness around your early to mid-forties. That’s when many start needing glasses. Many of us have sight issues long before that! Jesus is “The Great Physician” of our eyes! In Matthew 6:22-23, Jesus makes it clear that our spiritual health is directly linked to our eyes. He explains, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness.  If the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”

In other words, our eyes are windows into our soul!  Regular “check-ups” are imperative in maintaining the best spiritual sight possible! 21 Days of Prayer provides such a focused time to get our eyes set on the right things in this new year.  What do you want to see more fully this year?

Prayer: Dear Jesus, it’s time I have a check-up with you, My Great Physician.  It’s time I look through these “windows” into my soul.  May the Holy Spirit point out anything in my heart and spirit and that needs adjusting.  What “prescription” are you ordaining for me, that I may have a healthy and more productive spiritual life?  Whether it be church attendance, financial giving, serving, developing more of a prayer life, or something else, Lord let me “fill that prescription” to keep the “lamps of my body” burning brightly! Amen.

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