21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 13

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Day 13 - Who is the Source of our Sight?

In Psalm 139, we read that God knit us together in our mother’s womb, forming every body part, giving each its own, unique function.  Psalm 94:9 specifically says, “Does He who formed the eye not see?” God demonstrates in these verses, that with his own eyes, He created every part of us. He created our eyes, and He gave them the function of sight.

In this world there are many things we choose to set before our eyes.  In Psalm 119: 37, it says, “Turn my eyes away from worthless things,” and in the same Psalm, verse 18 says, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.” So it seems we have a choice on what we look at, and the psalmist wants to be proactive by asking the Source of Sight to “open his eyes” in the right places!  It’s so important to take time to reflect on what we choose to put before our eyes, and ask God to redirect our sight in the right places, if need be.

Prayer: Dear Lord, open my eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word, your world, and in your people. Give me a teachable and willing spirit to set my eyes on those things, and turn away from what is worthless.  Please prevent  me from gazing upon anything that would make me stumble. What do you want to put your finger on in my life that I need to turn away from?  Help me Father, to have the strength to turn the other way and have clearer sight. Amen.

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