21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 9

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Day 9 - What do we want people to see in us?

Mark 10:35 begins to tell the story of how James and John wanted to be “seen” by Jesus. When they approached Him, He asked them, “What do you want me to do for you?” James and John responded that they wanted to share in Jesus’ glory with special seats of recognition on each side of Him in His throne room! Verse 46 of the same chapter tells how Jesus and His disciples then happened upon a blind man named Bartimaeus, who was also wanting to be “seen” by Jesus. After he called out, Jesus posed the exact same question, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus cried out of his darkness, “Rabbi, I want to see.” This time Jesus granted the request, adding, “your faith has healed you.”

James and John wanted to be “seen” by Jesus for the purpose of promoting themselves to a prominent place among His followers. Bartimaeus wanted to be seen by Jesus to receive eyesight, in order that he may see others and his world around him. Bartimaeus approached Jesus by faith, whereas James and John approached Jesus with selfish intentions. Jesus saw the true intentions of James and John, and He also saw the faith of Bartimaeus.

What do we want people to see in us? Do we want them to recognize us, validate us, elevate us, admire us, and put us up on a pedestal? Or do we want them to see a humble faith that is lived out daily with hearts that are focused on others, not on self?

Prayer: Dear Jesus, please help me to live today, in a manner that people can see Your humility, love, and servant’s heart in my life. Show me areas where I need to cast out any thoughts that put myself before You or others. Amen.

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