21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 6

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Day 6 - How can I see?

How many times do you look out a window or glass door and squint through smudges and dirty marks?  We don’t think twice about how to solve this problem, as we run for the paper towels and the Windex!  Rain begins to splatter on our windshield, and we immediately turn on our windshield wipers. In our daily lives, we know how to take needed steps to see.  But in our spiritual life, we often exist in a dim state, where clarity eludes us.  

How do we clean the windows of our soul and see the life God intends for us? In order to walk “in the light” as “He is in the Light “ (1John 7), we have the answer just a few verses later. 1 John 1:9 tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”  A good cleansing of our soul is needed daily through confession and repentance. In making this a regular habit, the “windows to our soul” will be free of the smudges and smears that impair our spiritual sight!

Prayer: Dear Jesus, today I want to confess whatever it is that is impeding my sight today. What is in front of me that I need to get rid of? What’s preventing me from seeing what you want for my life?  I realize this is how I can regularly see you clearly. By asking you to help me!  Please give me daily reminders to keep short accounts with you, in order that I am walking in Your Light. Amen.

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